Web Developer Camp


With this bootcamp we intend to address the needs of people of all ages who want to learn the fundamentals of web development.

This program appeals to IT graduates or engineers who have just started their career in a web development environment.

We follow an in-depth approach to hands-on teaching here. We cover all the basic modules that must be conquered by well versed engineers and will help them continuously improve and derive greater pleasure from their work.

Three months of work and fun

The duration of the bootcamp is three months of intensive work and fun.

We've separated the content to sections that we think represent the intention behind the respective content.

The duration of each section ranges from two to four weeks and one can attend each of them regardless of the rest of the program.

Thus, our view of how a well thought bootcamp should be is illustrated by these five modules:

  1. Know your tools
  2. Know your environment
  3. Know your language
  4. Start building
  5. Meet the world

The sections

Know your tools

In this module the participants will learn to work with three very important tools of every engineer. We refer to git, the terminal and the editor. The module has a duration of 5 sessions with the following content:

  • 2 lectures about git
  • 1 lecture about code editors
  • 1 session about the terminal
  • 1 revision session with exercises and additional material

Know your environment

In this module, participants will be introduced to the Web, the HTTP protocol, Application Program Interfaces (APIs), Unix, and Databases, which together make up the environment for developing web applications. The module has 6 sessions and lasts two weeks.

  • Web 101
  • APIs 101
  • Unix 101
  • Databases 101
  • 1 revision session with exercises and additional material

Know your language

In this section we will focus on the Javascript programming language. The duration of the module is 2 weeks and the best description we can give is that of an intensive crash course in the concepts of the language as well as a presentation of the React framework.

  • Javascript basic features
  • Web API
  • Introduction to React

Start building

This is - in our humble opinion - the most interesting section of the Camp. This is where things are getting real. After all, we are Hands On!

This section includes bringing a real web development project to life or fixing some bugs in an open source repository. The duration is approximately 4 weeks.

Some topics that will be developed in this module include:

  • Javascript basic features
  • Web API
  • Introduction to React

Meet the world

This final section includes advice to candidates for technical technical interviews, how to set up a resume, and the roles participants will be asked to take on in the future. It lasts 2 weeks and covers the following topics:

  • Technincal interviewing
  • Technical orientation
  • Resume building

This is all folks!

As can be seen from the above, our Web Developer Camp covers quite a lot. It is intensive, it is challenging, it is demanding.

But it is also fun and it will provide participants an unforgettable real-world working experience.

Last but not least: We can tailor our camp to your needs. Contact us and learn more about availability, cost and whatever else comes to mind.