IT Recruitment School



The IT Recruitment School is designed so that attendees of all levels and disciplines understand the philosophy and needs of IT professionals, as well as learn the most appropriate way to approach them. All this is happening through live online courses, with a personalised flair, catered to the needs of each class.

Through this training, that was envisioned and crafted by our team, both junior and senior attendees will be able to cover every communication gap and advance in the field of IT Recruitment.

Project Type: Corporate Training
Start Date: July 2022
End Date: October 2022

IT Recruiters discover the employees who will staff the IT Department of an organization. In order to be effective, there is a variety of different skills they need to master.

Introduction to IT

Having a broad overview of what IT engineers work on does not hurt. Moreover, getting to understand their passion, their career aspirations and what each technology trend is used for, can take an IT recruiter to the next level.

Our Introduction to IT classes equip people outside of IT with all tools to tackle these challenges.

Introduction to IT
Software and Hardware: A very close relationship
Internet: The anatomy of a web application
Programming languages and frameworks
Databases and Operating Systems
Structure and roles in software teams
Putting it all together

Recruitment in the IT world

Preparing for the IT recruitment journey and speaking the language of candidates will help recruiters listen and respond to the needs of both the organization stakeholders and IT candidates.

The IT recruitment classes summarize years of experience in interviewing engineers and building high caliber engineering teams.

The software engineering environment
Preparation for the recruitment journey
Attracting talent organically
Where and how can we find engineers
Understanding and screening CVs
First contact
Interviewing strategies

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